
Digital Twin

Simulation and Visualization

Make data-based decisions.

Understand, analyze and optimize processes.

Data Analysis

Digital twins offer a holistic view of systems, predictive analytics, and capabilities for testing scenarios . These features improve data analysis quality, speed, utility, and fostering smarter decisions.

Touch Screen


Simulation is the process of conducting experiments with a computer model of a real-world system. The advantage is that the real system is not influenced by the experimentation. Therefore, one can test systems that do not yet exist, cost-effectively and without risk (what-if analyses).

Touch Screen
With a digital twin, you can better understand your processes, find optimization opportunities, and plan implementation measures. Existing structures significantly speed up the creation of simulations. Based on structured processes, the first digital twin can be up and running in no time.

Training & Workshops


  • Introduction to Process Structuring via BPMN Diagrams
  • Introduction to Simulation
  • Useful Tools for a Quick Start
  • Example Simulations
  • Development of a Use Case
  • To-Do's for the Further Path

2-Day Workshop

  • Introduction to Process Structuring via BPMN Diagrams
  • Introduction to Simulation
  • Useful Tools for a Quick Start
  • Example Simulations
  • Creating Your First Simplified Simulation Model for Your Company
  • To-Do's for the Further Path

5-Tages Workshop

  • Introduction to Process Structuring via BPMN Diagrams
  • Introduction to Simulation
  • Useful Tools for a Quick Start
  • Example Simulations
  • Creation of Your First, Optimized BPMN Diagram
  • Creation of Your First, Optimized Simulation Model for Your Company
  • Data Analysis and Process Optimization of a Selected Process
  • To-Do's für den weiteren Weg

Data visualization

Data visualization with PowerBI and Tableau transforms complex data sets into understandable, interactive charts and dashboards.

Provides companies and business leaders with a powerful foundation for informed, data-driven decisions and strategic insights.

Touch Screen


Risk Minimization

Digital twins enable real-time health monitoring of assets, predicting potential issues and preventing costly downtimes.

Process Optimization

By simulating processes, inefficiencies can be identified and mitigated, improving productivity and reducing costs.

Decision Making

Digital Twins provide valuable data-driven insights, enhancing strategic decisions and business agility.

Product Development

Digital twins facilitate rapid prototyping, testing, and refinement, accelerating innovation.

Oliver Rose
Oliver Rose

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oliver Rose

University of the Bundeswehr Munich - Faculty of Computer Science

Chair of Modeling and Simulation

NewBeeMountain is scientifically and strategically supported and advised by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oliver Rose.